UJEB | United Jewish Education Board

Coronavirus Parent Update

Dear Parents,

The health & safety of our students, staff and their families remains UJEB’s number 1 priority. The situation regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to develop rapidly and with some complexity, so we wanted to provide you with this latest update.

Returning to school

In the recent statement from the Premier of Victoria, the Government has confirmed that schools will return in 2 stages; years prep – 2 (and yrs 11&12) on May 26 and the remainder on June 9.

Unfortunately, this does not necessarily mean that UJEB programs can resume at the school on those dates. Schools will need to consider protocols for providing a safe environment for students and will be deciding when external service providers can return to school. UJEB is currently in discussions with the Department of Education, Community Languages Victoria and school principals to ensure that we can return to schools as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we will definitely be continuing our Zoom lessons until May 25 and will update you soon about what continuing learning with UJEB will look like after May 26.

ELearning Update

UJEB’s Elearning classes have been running and feedback is extremely positive, with parents informing us their children are engaged and enjoying the learning. UJEB currently runs nearly 70 lessons each week and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the coordinators, teachers and UJEB office team for all their hard work enabling UJEB to teach by Elearning in a very short time, ensuring our children could continue learning in term 2. Kol Hakavod!

UJEB’s Annual Appeal

UJEB’s Annual Appeal has commenced. We all know that many families’ financial situation has changed due to the Covid-19 economic fallout. This year our Annual Appeal is focused on raising funds for UJEB subsidies so no child will miss out on a UJEB educational experience. Every amount will bring us closer to our goal, so if you can help please click here.

Emotional Wellbeing

The emotional wellbeing of our children is also an ongoing concern. We encourage you to talk to your children. UNICEF has issued this guide on how to talk to kids about COVID-19, which we hope will be useful.



  • Call the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health Information Line if you seek information on novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week 1800 020 080
  • Call the Healthdirect Hotline to speak to a registered nurse about your health concerns, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week 1800 022 222

We will continue to provide additional updates if and when any further changes come to hand.

Please don’t hesitate to email us with any concerns regarding this matter.

Kind Regards,
Itzik Sztokman
Executive Principal, UJEB