UJEB | United Jewish Education Board


Bar Mitzvah

About the program

Journey to 13, UJEB’s unique Bar Mitzvah program, is a coming-of-age experience that is contemporary and meaningful for participants.

Our 6-month program is a creative and alternative option for marking this important Jewish life milestone, which enables participants to take their place in our community as passionate and engaged young men.

The program focuses on four main themes: community & family, culture, exercise & mindfulness, and rites of passage. It includes visits from inspiring community figures and organisations, and culminates in a ceremony designed by the boys themselves.

Journey to 13 can either stand alone, or complement a more traditional synagogue Bar Mitzvah. It is open to all, and is suitable for students at non-Jewish schools. Affiliation with a synagogue is not required. The program runs annually from July to December.

The Bar-Mitzvah Program total cost is $700 plus a small additional cost for the ceremony. 

Program Themes

Community & Family

Our community helps us grow and shapes who we are. Participants explore the different communities they are part of and delve into their family history with a roots project.


From falafel to footy, Jewish Australians have a diverse culture. Who we are is defined by where we have come from and where we live. Participants explore their culture and how it enriches their life.

Exercise & Mindfulness

Participants learn the importance of managing themselves and maintaining balance, and explore various methods to achieve this.

Rites of Passage

Different cultures have unique ways of welcoming young men into their communities. Participants look at different coming-of-age ceremonies and then design one for their own group, to find their own special way to mark this important life event.

UJEB's Bar Mitzvah
UJEB’s Bar Mitzvah program runs on Thursday, after school at various locations in Caulfield and Bentleigh.
To find out more or sign up, contact our Bar Mitzvah Coordinator, Noah Loven, at barmi@ujeb.org.au or on 0401 169 342
