UJEB | United Jewish Education Board

Project Kulanu

About this program

UJEB’s Project Kulanu is our bespoke program that provides a range of Jewish educational resources and services to families with children on the Autism Spectrum and with other disabilities. 

The Kulanu initiative aims to build networks of support for families in our community with different organisations to improve cooperation and access across the community.

Project Kulanu provides weekly 30-minute Jewish Life sessions in Specialist schools, which are designed specifically to meet the needs and abilities of students in each group. The sessions combine Jewish music, dancing, sensory art and craft activities, often based on Hebrew or festival themes.

Kulanu Programs

Location Day Time
10 – 10.30 am

This program received grant funding from the Australian Government.

UJEB has been supporting Jewish students at GlenAllen for many years. GlenAllen is a school for children with complex medical needs and physical Disabilities. The needs of the students vary and the school offers many programs to enhance their learning and engagement in life. We have a large cohort of Jewish students who attend Gelnallen. Every week our dedicated, passionate teacher Tal arrives guitar in hand and provides an engaging stimulating program for our students. Project Kulanu provides a place for us to come together as a community and share songs, traditions and joy together. We celebrate Shabbat, Chagim and give the students an opportunity to be with their peers who share common traditions and values. It’s also a great way for us to share our traditions with the wider school community who are so open and receptive to learning about our religion. The Project Kulanu program is a highlight of the week for many students and its rich content and delivery make it an essential service that we need to continue to provide for these students.
Teacher at Glenallen

Meet Tal:

The Program Manager of Project Kulanu which has been running for 5 years.
Since joining UJEB as a teacher 6 years ago, Tal has brought his expertise on accessible education to the UJEB world.
He consults with schools to offer inclusion to students who are on the spectrum within the mainstream school system, and offers 1:1 support with families on how best to navigate schooling with children on the spectrum.

Participating Schools

Bayside Special Developmental School

Glenallen School

Katandra School

Berendale School

Participating Schools