UJEB | United Jewish Education Board

UJEB's Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy


United Jewish Education Board Policy Commitment


UJEB is a community organisation committed to providing the highest quality formal and informal Jewish education to Jewish students outside the Jewish day school system. UJEB’s purpose is to provide the building blocks for a connected Jewish life for students of government and independent non-Jewish schools. By attending our programs our students develop a lifetime of knowledge and skills in a dynamic educational environment that ensure their ability to participate in Jewish communal life.


UJEB aims to ensure that future generations of Jewish children understand, and connect to, their heritage, their culture and their history. UJEB’s commitment to the principles of child safety, empowerment and inclusion are inculcated in our mission, values, policies and procedures. UJEB has, and fully practises, a zero tolerance approach to child abuse. 


UJEB is committed to developing and maintaining a child-safe and child-friendly environment and culture where children always feel safe, valued and listened to. UJEB encourages active participation from parents/guardians/carers based on a partnership approach and shared responsibility for children’s health, wellbeing and safety.  


UJEB embraces the moral and legal responsibility to ensure all children are safe in its care and that both preventive measures and responses are timely, effective and supportive for children who are at risk of abuse and/or harm.


If any person associated with UJEB believes a child is in immediate risk of abuse, they must telephone 000 immediately.

Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy Context in Victoria


Under Victorian law, children always have the right to feel and be safe. This includes when they access services and participate in activities at school and in the community.  According to the law, children have a right to be heard, particularly on matters that affect them, including how to keep them safe or respond to concerns.


In April 2012, the Victorian Government initiated an inquiry into the handling of child abuse allegations by religious and other non-government organisations, known as the Betrayal of Trust Inquiry. Its report highlighted poor and inconsistent practices for keeping children safe. It found some organisations’ cultures did not focus on children’s safety and many failed to report or act on child abuse allegations.


The report made several recommendations built on the premise that all adults are responsible for the safety of children. 


Subsequent law reform has included the introduction of mandatory child safe standards to be implemented by organisations exercising care, supervision or authority over children. A reportable conduct scheme has been legislated for some organisations to ensure reportable conduct (or misconduct that may involve reportable conduct) of adult employees, volunteers, contractors, and Board members is reported and addressed. Additionally, a number of new criminal offences have been introduced, including the failure to protect, failure to disclose and a grooming offence. 


The Betrayal of Trust Inquiry addressed submissions regarding child sexual abuse in Jewish organisations. In 2015, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse heard about child sexual abuse within many organisations, including Jewish organisations. There were several findings and recommendations, some of which were specifically in relation to Jewish organisations, including the application of some Jewish law concepts, in response to disclosure of child sexual abuse and inaction by leaders of Jewish organisations.


The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse Recommendation 16.30, pg. 202 states that:

“All Jewish institutions in Australia should ensure that their complaint handling policies explicitly state that the halachic concepts of mesirah, moser and loshon horo do not apply to the communication and reporting of allegations of child sexual abuse to police and other civil authorities.” 

Following the above, additional changes have been made to implement the Royal Commission’s recommendations. This includes the release of:

  • the National Principles for a Child Safe Organisation – which apply nationally as of February 2019 and intend to foster a greater culture of child safety and wellbeing (National Principles); 
  • the Worker Screening Act 2020 (Vic) – which applies in Victoria as of 1 February 2021 and replaced the existing Working With Children Act 2005 (Vic); and
  • the new 2022 Child Safe Standards (Child Safe Standards) – which apply in Victoria as of 1 July 2022 and replace Victoria’s 7 existing standards with 11 new standards that better reflect the National Principles; and



The purpose of the UJEB Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy is to:

  • prevent child abuse occurring within all UJEB environments;
  • outline UJEB’s commitment to child safety and wellbeing and what UJEB is doing to prevent child abuse and how it will respond to child abuse;
  • work towards an organisational culture of child safety;
  • ensure that children know who to speak with if they are worried about their (or another child’s) safety, and that they are encouraged to voice their concerns;
  • ensure that all parties are aware of their responsibility for identifying possible occasions for child abuse and for establishing controls and procedures for preventing such abuse and/or detecting such abuse when it occurs;
  • provide guidance on action that should be taken where a person suspects any child abuse within all UJEB environments;
  • provide a clear statement to staff, volunteers, parents/guardians/carers, visitors, contractors, board members and others attending the programs or activities of UJEB, forbidding any such child abuse; and
  • provide assurance that any and all suspected child abuse will be appropriately reported and fully investigated.


UJEB encourages feedback and input from parents/guardians/carers, children and community members including in the area of child safety.


It is intended that this policy is clear, accessible and user friendly. The policy forms an integral part of the UJEB registration process and can be accessed on the UJEB website.  Any questions or comments can be directed to the UJEB Executive Principal.



This policy applies to all UJEB staff, volunteers, parents/guardians/carers, visitors, contractors, board members and others attending the programs or activities of UJEB.



In Victoria there are a range of legislative requirements relating to child safety, including:

  • Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 (Vic);
  • Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (Vic);
  • Worker Screening Act 2020 (Vic);
  • Crimes Act 1958 (Vic); and
  • Wrongs Act 1958 (Vic).




Belief on reasonable grounds

Under the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (Vic), a belief is ‘a belief on reasonable grounds’ if a reasonable person practising the profession or carrying out the duties of the office, position or employment, as the case requires, would have formed the belief on those grounds’.

A belief on reasonable grounds is more likely to be formed in circumstances where:

  1. a child states that they have been physically injured or sexually abused (self- disclosure);
  2. a child states that they know someone who has been physically injured or sexually abused (sometimes the child may be talking about themself);
  3. a relative, friend, acquaintance or sibling of the child states that the child has been physically injured or sexually abused;
  4. professional observations of the child’s behaviour or development that lead the mandated reporter to form a belief that the child has been physically injured or sexually abused;
  5. signs of physical injury or sexual abuse lead to a belief that the child has been abused.


For the purpose of this policy, a child is any person under 18 years of age (unless otherwise specified).

Child abuse

Child abuse includes:

  • any act committed against a child involving –
    • a sexual offence; or
    • an offence under section 49M(1) of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) (grooming); and
  • the infliction, on a child, of – 
    • physical violence; or
    • serious emotional or psychological harm; and
  • serious neglect of a child.  


A Victorian community-based intake and referral service provided by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing to provide access to Family Services. Child FIRST ensures that vulnerable children, young people and their families are effectively linked to relevant services, including Child Protection. 

Child Protection Service

Child Protection Service (also referred to as Child Protection): The statutory child protection service provided by the Victorian Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, to protect children and young people at risk of abuse and neglect, and receive certain mandatory reports. This service also works closely with Family Services (including Child FIRST) to support the assessment and engagement of vulnerable children and families.

Commission for Children and Young People (CCYP)

A Victorian Government agency that provides independent scrutiny and oversight of services for children and young people, particularly those in the out-of-home-care, child protection and youth justice systems. The CCYP administers Victoria’s new Reportable Conduct Scheme, which applies to some organisations that work with children. The scheme requires these organisations to report, investigate and respond to allegations of child abuse made against their adult employees, volunteers, contractors, and officers, and put in place particular systems to protect children.

Mandatory report

A report made to Child Protection, by a person mandated under the Children Youth and Families Act 2005 (Vic) (called a mandatory reporter).

Mandatory reporter

Person required under the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (Vic) to make a mandatory report to Child Protection if they believe a child (under the age of 17) is in need of protection from abandonment or significant harm as a result of physical injury, sexual abuse, emotional or psychological harm. In UJEB’s context, these persons are registered VIT teachers.

Individuals may also be required to make other reports (set out below).

Reportable allegation

For the purpose of the Reportable Conduct Scheme and under the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 (Vic), “reportable allegation” means any information that leads a person to form a reasonable belief that an employee, volunteer, contractor or officer has committed:

  1. reportable conduct; or
  2. misconduct that may involve reportable conduct,

whether or not the conduct or misconduct is alleged to have occurred within the course of the person’s employment.

Reportable conduct

For the purpose of the Reportable Conduct Scheme and under the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 (Vic), “reportable conduct” means:

  1. a sexual offence committed against, with or in the presence of a child, whether or not a criminal proceeding in relation to the offence has been commenced or concluded;
  2. sexual misconduct, committed against, with or in the presence of a child; 
  3. physical violence committed against, with or in the presence of a child; 
  4. any behaviour that causes significant emotional or psychological harm to a child; or
  5. significant neglect of a child.

Reportable Conduct Scheme

A Victorian government scheme that requires centralised reporting (to the CCYP) by heads of applicable entities in relation to reportable allegations. This requirement is additional to any requirement to report to Victoria Police, Child First or to Child Protection (DFFH agency), and non-heads of applicable entities may choose to make a voluntary report to the CCYP if they have information relating to a reportable allegation.

Staff / Staff member

UJEB employees including administration staff, program coordinators, teachers, educators and the Executive Principal.

Student sexual offending

Refers to sexual behaviour by a student who is 10 years and older which may amount to a sexual offence.

UJEB Environments

Any physical or virtual place made available or authorised by UJEB’s Board for use by a child, including:

  1. UJEB’s official physical locations
  2. Any offsite locations used in UJEB activities such as camps; and
  3. Online environments (including UJEB’s website, email, social media etc.)


Any adult who works for UJEB without being paid.

Children’s rights to safety and participation


UJEB is a child-centred organisation. We actively seek to include the voices of children in our organisational planning, delivery of services, management of facilities and assessment procedures.


UJEB actively seeks to understand what makes children feel safe in our organisation. 

We will ensure that children know who to talk to and how, if they are worried or feeling unsafe. UJEB will ensure that children are comfortable and encouraged to raise such issues. As part of the teaching curriculum, age appropriate education and communication is provided about all of a child’s rights, including to safety,wellbeing, information and participation. UJEB recognises the specialised needs of children with a disability and will ensure their safe inclusion.


This policy can be accessed by children and their parents/guardians/carers via UJEB’s website (NB: It is also found on UJEB’s parent portal).

Valuing diversity


We value diversity and do not tolerate any discriminatory practices. To achieve this, we:

  • support the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal children and their families;
  • support a child’s ability to express their culture and enjoy their cultural rights;
  • support the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and their families;
  • welcome children with disability and their families and act to promote their participation; 
  • seek to recruit appropriate staff and volunteers from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds;
  • have a physical environment that actively celebrates diverse cultures and recognises cultural difference; 
  • commit to ensuring our facilities promote inclusion of children of all abilities
  • ensuring staff and volunteers understand children and young people’s diverse circumstances, and are able to provide support and respond to those who are vulnerable; and
  • identify, confront and not tolerate any racism within the organisation (with any instances of racism resulting in appropriate consequences).



UJEB implements robust screening, selection and recruitment procedures to help identify the most suitable people for any given role. UJEB recruitment practices also act to deter unsuitable people from being recruited for paid or voluntary positions.


Recruitment procedures shall comply with the UJEB Staff Recruitment and Induction Policy and take into account the following strategies:


Deciding to recruit

  • All open roles will be assessed in relation to:
    • the level of contact and responsibility the role will have in regard to children;
    • whether National Police Checks and/or Working with Children Checks are required (i.e. roles that have contact or responsibility for children and for roles that have influence or authority over children, such as leadership positions);
    • the qualifications and prerequisites required to ensure the staff are appropriately skilled for the role; and
    • the training, guidance and supervision required for the position and the current resources available to meet these requirements.



  • Each position or category of positions for staff or volunteers that involves child-related work will have a clear statement that sets out:
    • the position’s requirements, duties and responsibilities regarding child safety;
    • the position occupant’s essential or relevant qualifications, experience, background checks and attributes in relation to child safety; 
    • UJEB’s commitment to child safety and an awareness of its social and legislative responsibilities; and
    • that referee checks will be performed for shortlisted candidates;



  • All prospective staff or volunteers are required to provide a CV outlining their suitability for the role and for working with children, a current Working With Children Check, and copies of their qualifications. Some staff are required to provide a valid police check.
  • All prospective staff or volunteers are required to attend an interview and are asked about their knowledge of child safety procedures and to give details of any child safety issues that they have dealt with previously. 
  • Interviews are structured and include behavioural techniques.
  • At least two referees are contacted, preferably from a recent line manager. The referees are asked to provide information regarding the prospective staff or volunteer’s knowledge of child safety issues, if there have been any incidents or disciplinary investigations and if they are suitable for working with children. The referee cannot be a family member or friend and the bona fides of the referee must be established.

  • Supporting staff and volunteers


UJEB is committed to ensuring that all leaders, staff and volunteers receive appropriate training to ensure they understand their responsibilities in relation to child safety. UJEB assists its leaders, staff and volunteers to incorporate child safety considerations into decision-making and to promote a culturally safe environment where children are empowered to speak up about issues that affect them.


Induction and training

All staff and volunteers receive an induction to the Child Safe Standards and the policies and practices that underpin UJEB’s child abuse prevention practices. All legislative requirements and regulations are made clear, including mandatory reporting responsibilities and procedures, information sharing and record keeping, as part of their induction procedure. Staff receive training on the UJEB Code of Conduct and are required to sign an agreement to indicate they have understood their obligations and expectations. Staff receive training on how to identify and respond to child harm (including harm caused by other children and young people), grooming and responding to code of conduct issues as well as disclosures of child abuse. Staff are also trained in how to empower children regarding their right to be safe, how to ensure children feel safe to disclose concerns, and how to build culturally safe environments for children. Staff training is repeated annually.



To create the optimum working conditions where risks to children are minimised, all staff are supervised and supported. Coordinators supervise and provide feedback to staff, and ensure that they understand their obligations in relation to information sharing and record keeping.


During the probation period of employment, the performance of the staff member is observed and discussed. Staff participate in annual performance feedback reviews, attend meetings as well as undertake professional development and training. 

Reporting procedures


How to report any and all concerns

UJEB requires all staff and volunteers, and encourages parents / guardians / carers and children, to report concerns, disclosures, indicators of abuse or inappropriate behaviour (under the UJEB Code of Conduct) as soon as reasonably possible to the Executive Principal, whose contact details are:

Ph: 9523 6844

Email: itzik@ujeb.com.au                                    


The Board President can also be contacted to report any concerns around child abuse:

Email: president@ujeb.org.au                          


Where a report relating to abuse or inappropriate behaviour has been made to the Executive Principal, the Executive Principal must notify the Board.                      


UJEB encourages open communication where any concerns or feedback are welcomed and seen as opportunities to improve. Parents/guardians/carers or children can discuss concerns with their educator or program coordinator. Alternatively, they can contact the Executive Principal directly.


Reports of an allegation of abuse will be handled in a confidential, sensitive manner prioritising the safety of children whilst ensuring procedural fairness. UJEB will report all child abuse to Child Protection and the police. In addition, UJEB will ask Child Protection, or the police, as relevant, whether it is appropriate for UJEB to report the abuse to the relevant school (if applicable) or the parents/guardians/carers, and will comply with the advice given by Child Protection / the police in response.


If a child is in immediate danger, the concerned person should immediately call 000 for emergency assistance.


Mandatory Reporting 

Mandatory Reporters (including for the purpose of UJEB, registered VIT teachers) must make a report to Child Protection as soon as practicable if they form a belief on reasonable grounds that a student (under the age of 17) is in need of protection from abandonment or significant harm as a result of physical injury, sexual abuse, emotional or psychological harm, and the child’s parents/guardians/carers are unable or unwilling to protect the child. 


Responding to Sexual Offences

Any person (18 years or older), whether a mandatory reporter or not, must make a report to Victoria Police as soon as practicable if they receive information that leads them to form a reasonable belief that a sexual offence has been committed by an adult to a child (under the age of 16) (also called the failure to disclose offence). This also includes reporting to Victoria Police if they know or reasonably believe that grooming has been committed by an adult to a child under the age of 16 (grooming offence). It is a criminal offence to fail to comply with these obligations. Student sexual offending will be addressed by following the Victorian Department of Education and Training Guidelines.


Any allegations of criminal conduct will be reported to Victoria Police as a priority. The Jewish Law of mesirah (reporting to a non-Jewish authority) does not apply when it comes to child abuse. Protecting children comes under the mitzvah of pikuach nefesh (saving a life).


Voluntary Reporting 

In addition to the above reporting obligations, any person who believes, on reasonable grounds, that a child is in need of protection from child abuse, may disclose that information to the police or Child Protection:

  • Child Protection Department of Families, Fairness and Housing: 1300 655 795 (8:45am – 5:00pm Monday to Friday) or 13 12 78 (after hours)
  • Moorabbin Police – Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Team (SOCIT): 9665 6125
  • Child FIRST: 1300 367 441


UJEB can assist any person to make that report and doing so together will ensure that UJEB has evidence that the report has been made.


Any person may also disclose a reportable allegation to the CCYP.


It is UJEB policy to report any abuse of a student which, but for the student’s age, would constitute a criminal offence.


Reportable Conduct Scheme

The Executive Principal will comply with their individual obligations under the Reportable Conduct Scheme by reporting any reportable allegations to the CCYP within the required timeframe, and continuing to update it in relation to any subsequent investigations.


The Executive Principal will also ensure that there are systems in place for:

  • preventing reportable conduct by a staff member, volunteer, contractor and Board member (within the course of the person’s engagement);
  • enabling any person, including a staff member, volunteer, contractor and Board member, to notify the Executive Principal of a reportable allegation;
  • enabling any person, including a staff member, volunteer, contractor and Board member, to notify the CCYP of a reportable allegation involving the Executive Principal; and
  • investigating and responding to a reportable allegation against a staff member, volunteer, contractor and Board member of UJEB.


Protection of Reporters

Any staff member, volunteer, contractor and Board member of UJEB who makes a report in good faith in accordance with their reporting obligations will be supported by UJEB, and will not be penalised or disciplined by UJEB for making their report.


The Executive Principal will offer appropriate pastoral support for the individual making the report, for children and their families, and all those involved. The Executive Principal’s actions in this regard should be informed by UJEB’s policies and procedures for ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children.


The Executive Principal will offer the services of a psychologist to any individual involved. This may be the staff member who made the report, the child about whom the report was made, the family of the child, or any other individual impacted by the circumstances of the report. All records will be securely stored. 


The Jewish concept of lashon hara does not apply when it comes to child abuse and UJEB expects unconditional support by and for anyone in the UJEB community who communicates concerns or discloses allegations of child abuse.


Procedures for Investigation

UJEB’s first response to concerns or allegations will be to ensure the immediate safety and support for the child. That might include the need for a staff member to discontinue duties while an investigation is being conducted. UJEB will apply the principles of natural justice when investigating. 


UJEB will report allegations of abuse to the relevant authorities including Child Protection, the police, the CCYP (under the Reportable Conduct scheme) and any other regulatory body as required.


If an allegation of abuse or a safety concern is raised, UJEB will provide appropriate updates to the children and families on the progress and any actions the organisation takes (subject to any express directions from the police or other regulatory body). 



UJEB will collect, use, disclose and hold personal information in accordance with applicable privacy legislation and will respect the privacy of the individuals involved.  UJEB has safeguards and practices in place to ensure any personal information is protected. 


There are two guiding principles with respect to a child’s privacy:

  • First, UJEB will operate on the best interests principle. All staff, volunteers, board members and contractors of UJEB will do what they believe to be in the best interests of the child. This principle overrides all others.
  • Second, UJEB will respect a child’s confidentiality except in situations where it conflicts with the best interests principle.


As much as is reasonably possible, an individual’s confidentiality is to be protected. Both those who are making reports and those about whom accusations are being made are entitled to confidentiality. 


Where there is suspected abuse or misconduct, staff members, volunteers, Board members and contractors of UJEB must not disclose or make use of the information in a manner that breaches confidentiality, other than to report and act consistently with this policy, and relevant statutory requirements.

  • Record keeping and incident monitoring


UJEB is committed to best practice record keeping and will ensure that all reports of child abuse are recorded.


UJEB, in maintaining records on reports of child abuse, will maintain confidentiality and privacy for children and families, and retain those reports, in accordance with legislation.


Reports of child abuse and complaints about child safety will be monitored by the Executive Principal to ensure that they are appropriately managed.


Risks to child safety that are identified in complaints and reports of abuse will be reviewed and analysed to identify causes and systemic failures, to inform continuous improvement. UJEB, where appropriate, will report on the findings of relevant reviews to staff and volunteers, community, families and children.

  • Risk management


UJEB recognises the importance of a risk management approach to minimising the potential for child abuse or harm to occur and use this as a basis to plan, implement and review strategies that embed a culture of child safety. 


In line with the above, UJEB has developed, implemented, monitored and regularly reviewed its risk management strategies to ensure compliance with all aspects of child safety. UJEB’s risk management processes are outlined in policies and procedures and training is undertaken to ensure all staff understand their responsibilities to identify and respond. 



The UJEB Board is responsible for reviewing and endorsing policies (including this policy), incidents and risk management strategies to ensure there is a culture of openness, accountability, compliance and service improvement. 


The UJEB Executive Principal is responsible for ensuring the UJEB community understands and prioritises child safety, that policies are being adhered to (including monitoring overall compliance with all aspects of this policy), strategies are monitored and reviewed, and that child abuse is reported to the relevant authorities. The UJEB Executive Principal is also responsible for ensuring that:

  • all existing and new activities and facilities (including off campus activities such as excursions, camps and overseas trips) are assessed for risks of child abuse including:
    • environmental risks (e.g. areas that might obscure a line of sight);
    • vulnerability risks (such as activities that may foster personal relationships between staff/volunteers and children who have an increased risk of being exploited, such as children who are highly vulnerable and dependent on the staff/volunteer for their needs).
  • all identified risks of child abuse are actively reduced by designing and implementing appropriate preventative measures;
  • risk management plans are documented for all existing and new activities and facilities;
  • risk management plans are living documents that are updated as required, referred to regularly and reviewed periodically.


In the Executive Principal’s absence, the President of UJEB takes over responsibility.


UJEB managers and team leaders are responsible for supervising and supporting educators to ensure they understand and adhere to UJEB policies and child safe practices and report any child abuse concerns.


Educators are responsible for the supervision of children and adhering to UJEB policies and child safe practices and reporting any child abuse concerns.


In the Executive Principal’s absence, the President of UJEB takes over responsibility.

  • Related documents 


  • Staff Manual;
  • Code of Conduct;
  • Staff Recruitment and Induction Policy; and
  • Privacy Policy

  • Non-compliance with this policy


Disciplinary measures may be imposed on any person in breach of this policy, including but not limited to:

  • dismissal, cessation of engagement, warning or suspension;
  • requiring a verbal and/or written apology; 
  • requiring counselling, training and/or further supervision to address behaviour; and/or
  • reduction or reassignment of duties with no contact with children.

  • Reviewing this policy


This policy will be reviewed every two years, or as required to update relevant changes, and we undertake to seek the views, comments and suggestions from children, parents, carers, staff and volunteers as a part of this process.


Date adopted by UJEB Board

[20 June 2022]


Next review date

[20 June 2024]

  • Version control 


Date approved






Board approval of the document submitted for circulation.Edited by Itzik Sztokman and Oren Smith.

Reviewed by Law Squared re Child Safety and Wellbeing


Any questions or comments can be directed to the UJEB Executive Principal.

Useful link: Department of Health and Human Services

We aim to achieve this through our 4 key Values:


Our programs support learners in exploring and understanding their Jewish identity. We hope to foster a feeling of connection to Jewish life and Israel.


The quality educational experiences provided aim to create curious and passionate learners who are engaged with their Jewish identity.


Program participants can begin establishing a lifelong connection and commitment not only to their local Jewish community, but to the wider, global Jewish community.


We strongly believe that all Jews have a right to learn about their Jewish identity. We aim to create programs that cater to those with special needs, and programs that are affordable to all.