UJEB | United Jewish Education Board

Hebrew Immersion Program (HIP)

About this program

HIP provides a dynamic Hebrew language education that focuses on developing confident reading and writing skills, and fundamental speaking skills.

Students learn about Israeli culture: Our educators are native Hebrew speakers, and our students experience Israeli music, celebrate Israeli & Jewish holidays, and engage in activities relating to Israel.

HIP graduates are equipped to continue studying Hebrew at a secondary school level.

HIP is currently running in 6 government primary schools including online, with more schools to start in the near future. The program runs either before or after school, ranging from 1-3 sessions per week to suit parent demand and school requirements. 

The HIP program is open to all students in the school at which it runs. HIP is supported by the Victorian Government, and UJEB is an accredited Community Languages Victoria provider.


The intended learning aims of HIP are:

Reading, writing, comprehension & grammar.

Foundation Level Conversation

Celebrate Israeli Culture

Competency to enable the continuation of Hebrew study at secondary school level.

Our Programs






Jewish Life (JL)


Jewish Life (JL)


Jewish Life (JL)


Jewish Life (JL)


Jewish Life (JL)


Jewish Life (JL)


Level Textbook Secondary Topic/s: Vocabulary Language Skills: Reading, Writing & Speaking
Lomdim Ivrit
Colours, seasons, body parts, numbers.
  • Reading: Letter recognition.
  • Reading: Locating the letters within a text.
  • Writing: Letter writing (print)
  • Reading: Introduction to Nikud (vowels).
  • Speaking: basic and advanced greetings.
Otiyot Korot

Simple sentence structure;
Simple verbs - male/female;
Simple question words;
Projects - show and tell (term 2 & term 4)

  • Reading: Letter recognition
  • Reading: Nikud (vowels) - continue
  • Reading and writing: Basic composition rules and linguistic techniques.
  • Reading: Moving from words to simple sentences
Otiyot Korot & Otiyot Kotvot

Sentence composition;
Advanced vocabulary;
Advanced verbs male/female/plural;
Advanced pronouns;
Advanced punctuation;
Projects - show and tell (term 2 & term 4)

  • Reading: Advanced Nikud (vowels)
  • Reading and writing: Advanced composition rules and linguistic techniques.
  • Reading: Moving from paragraphs to short paragraph.
  • Writing: Cursive (Ktav) introduction
Year 3
Granite Ivrit ‘Shalom’ Granite Ivrit ‘My Family 1’

Immediate family;
classroom life;
Israeli Songs;

Days of the week;
Places in Israel;

Projects - show and tell (term 2 & term 4)

  • Reading: Advanced texts focusing on identity, the family circle, and classroom life.
  • Writing: Cursive (Ktav) - continue
  • Reading: advancing to complex paragraphs
  • Speaking: Basics of presenting ourselves
  • Speaking: participating in short discussions.
Year 4

Granite Ivrit ‘Israel: Four Season’

Granite Ivrit ‘My Home 1’

Weather and climate in israel;
Four seasons;
The Hebrew calendar;

My Home;
Home and surroundings

Projects - show and tell (term 2 & term 4)

  • Reading: Advanced composition rules and linguistic techniques.
  • Reading: Advanced texts focusing on family, the life cycle, and culture.
  • Speaking: Describing and asking questions about ‘family’ and sharing stories about their own immediate and extended family.
Year 5 + 6
Granite Ivrit ‘My Family 2’
Granite Ivrit ‘My Home 2’
Granite Ivrit ‘My Hobbies 1’

Extended Family;

Family in Israeli culture;

Special days;

Israeli culture


Personal and public learning spaces 

Houses and places in Israel  

Projects - show and tell (term 2 & term 4)

  • Reading and writing: Advanced composition rules and linguistic techniques (workbooks and newspaper - when applicable).
  • Speaking: Class discussions surrounding our readings.


School Before / After Days and Times
Carnegie Primary School 2 before school 8:00-8:45 Mon, Wed
Caulfield Junior College 3 before school 8:00-8:45 Mon, Wed, Thurs

Coatesville Primary School

1 after school 3:30 – 5pm Tuesdays

Caulfield South Primary School

3 before school 8:00-8:45 Mon, Tues, Thurs
Gardenvale Primary School 3 before school 8am – 8:45 Tues, Thurs (online) and  Fri
UJEB Online 2 after school 4:30 – 5:15pm Monday, Thursdays

Fee Assistance

UJEB’s policy is that no child misses out. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please apply for a payment plan and/or reduced fees. 

Participating Schools

Carnegie Primary School

Caulfield Junior College

Caulfield South Primary School

Coatesville Primary School

Gardenvale Primary School

UJEB Online

Participating Schools