UJEB | United Jewish Education Board

Greg Sher Awards 2024

This past week saw some of our UJEB students being presented with the Community Security Group Victoria – CSG – Greg Sher Award in memory of the late PTE GREGORY MICHAEL SHER Z″L
This award recognizes the student’s contribution to the community and/or their school. It was established in 2009 to honour Greg’s legacy and preserve it for the next generation.
To be eligible, a student must be outstandingly involved in community service or service at their school. The attributes of awarded students included genuine empathy, community spirit and passion.

Please join me in wishing a big Mazel Tov to our UJEB students and their families:

UJEB High:
Harley Kaufman
Nathan Loyer

UJEB Primary:
Ilan Kamien
Emma Pollak